Give examples of the function of blood in an animal

1 answer

1. Oxygen transport: Blood carries oxygen from the lungs or gills to the body tissues. In mammals, oxygen is bound to the protein hemoglobin present in red blood cells.

2. Nutrient transport: Blood carries digested nutrients from the digestive system to different cells and tissues, providing them with the required energy and building blocks for growth and maintenance.

3. Waste removal: Blood carries waste products such as carbon dioxide, urea, and other metabolic waste from cells to the organs responsible for their excretion, like the lungs and kidneys.

4. Regulation of body temperature: Blood helps regulate body temperature by absorbing heat from active muscles and carrying it to other parts of the body, as well as releasing heat through blood vessels near the skin surface.

5. Hormone transportation: Blood carries hormones produced by various glands to their target organs, allowing them to regulate and coordinate numerous physiological processes.

6. Defense against pathogens: Blood contains white blood cells that help protect the body against infection and disease by identifying, engulfing, and destroying foreign substances like bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells.

7. Clotting and wound healing: Blood contains platelets that play a crucial role in clot formation, preventing excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is damaged. This helps in the healing process.

8. pH regulation: Blood plays a role in maintaining the body's pH balance by transporting and buffering acids and bases to and from various organs, ensuring optimal function.

9. Maintenance of fluid balance: Blood helps maintain the balance of fluids, electrolytes, and ions in the body, ensuring proper hydration and regulating blood pressure.

10. Transport of immune system components: Blood helps transport the components of the immune system, such as antibodies and immune cells, to areas where they are needed to fight infections or inflammation.