give examples for all of them

checker – the person who makes sure the ideas match the materials

collegial discussion – a respectful conversation in which everyone’s ideas are heard

facilitator – the person who keeps everyone on topic; guides the discussion

presenter – the person who shares the discussion with the class

recorder – the person who writes down ideas

timekeeper – the person who makes sure the group finishes on time and there is enough time for each person’s ideas to be heard.

3 answers

- Checker: Before starting a project, Sarah double-checks to make sure all the necessary supplies are on hand.
- Collegial discussion: During the meeting, everyone had a collegial discussion about the best strategy for the upcoming project.
- Facilitator: Mark acted as the facilitator during the group discussion, ensuring that everyone stayed on track and focused on the main topic.
- Presenter: Amy volunteered to be the presenter for their group project, summarizing their ideas and research for the rest of the class.
- Recorder: James took on the role of the recorder during the brainstorming session, writing down all of the ideas that were suggested.
- Timekeeper: Maria was the designated timekeeper for the meeting, making sure that each person had a chance to speak and that they finished on schedule.
shorten all of them
- Checker: Sarah verifies materials match ideas.
- Collegial discussion: Group respectfully shares ideas.
- Facilitator: Mark guides discussion.
- Presenter: Amy shares group discussion.
- Recorder: James writes down ideas.
- Timekeeper: Maria ensures meeting stays on schedule.