You omitted the charges. Should be
K^+ and ClO^- and form KClO. However, the question asks for a polyatomic cation and K^+ is not polyatomic. NH4^+ would be an example of a polyatomic cation. For anions I would have thought sulfate, SO4^2-, would have come to mind faster than hypochlorite, ClO^-.
Give an example of one polyatomic cation and one polyatomic anion. Show how these ions combine to make a compound.
My thinking:
How they form, I don't know?
4 answers
If I did those two, how would I show the two ions coming to make (NH4)2SO4?
NH4^+ is the ammonium ion; ClO^- is the hypochlorite ion. The compound is NH4ClO because each has a valence of 1.
(NH4)2SO4 is the correct formula for ammonium sulfate.
(NH4)2SO4 is the correct formula for ammonium sulfate.
Me no Understand pls translate