One day, I was traveling to a new city for a business meeting. As I was driving, I noticed a sudden decrease in fuel level, indicating that I needed to find a gas station soon. I checked my GPS, and it suggested a nearby gas station. However, something didn't feel right about the route it was instructing me to take.
Instead of blindly following the GPS, I decided to use my own judgment and logic. I recalled seeing another gas station a few miles back, in the opposite direction of the proposed route. Although the GPS hadn't mentioned it, I believed it would be worth checking that option first.
With careful consideration, I made a U-turn and headed back to the previous gas station. Fortunately, when I arrived, I noticed it had a better price per gallon compared to the one suggested by the GPS. It turned out to be a smart decision, as I managed to save a few dollars while ensuring I had enough fuel for my journey.
By using my judgment and relying on my sense of logic, I was able to solve the problem of finding a gas station efficiently and economically, avoiding unnecessary detours.
Give a specific example of a time when you used good judgement and logic in solving a problem? (make up a random story not too long make it short and believable as a human)
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