Give a simple test that would allow you to distinguis between the following pairs of anions. Tell what you would do and what you should observe for each anion.

A. CO3^2- and SO4^2-
B. Cl- and SO4-
C. CO3^2- and Cl-

Now, for each cation
A. B^3+ and Ca2+
B. Ca^2+ and Sr+
C. Ca^2+ and NH^4+

1 answer

Hints: you must supply the details.
A. Add dil HCl and observe bubbles CO2. Add BaCl2 after all of the CO2 has been released.
B. Add BaCl2
C. Acidify the solution, heat to drive off CO2, add AgNO3.

A flame test
B. flame test
C. Add concentrated NaOH.