Give a real-world example in which decimals are used and a real-world example of when fractions are used. Be specific with your examples.

Why is it important to know how to convert from one form into another form?
What strategies do you use to convert a fraction to a decimal and a decimal into a fraction?

8 answers

I paid $3.25 for a cup of coffee.

I bought 2 1/2 pounds of potatoes.
not helpful
you can use money the you get
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I need help with this too
Dude, she just explained it. You can use Decimals everyday for money or to find out how much to pay for prices. Then you can use fractions when looking at the pounds of how many potatoes you bought.

Therefore you could use decimals for money and fractions for pounds.
She explained the first part of it.
@Help pls asked 3 things and she only helped with 1
May you please Help me a have a practical investigaton