Let’s practice using the HTML formatting tags.


The given web page has several vocabulary words defined, followed by a sentence that uses the word.


Use HTML formatting tags to:

Bold each vocabulary word in the definition by indicating it’s strongly important
Italicize each vocabulary word by indicating its emphasis within the sentence.

malleable: easily influenced

"Memory is so malleable or volatile that each time we see something, the memory is actually influenced and re-created." (Washington Times (Oct 18, 2014))

concoction: any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients

There are some food combos that blend beautifully with each other to create truly tasty concoctions. (US News (Sep 4, 2014))

1 answer

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Formatting Practice</title>

<p><strong>malleable</strong>: easily influenced</p>
<p>"Memory is so <em>malleable</em> or volatile that each time we see something, the memory is actually influenced and re-created." (Washington Times (Oct 18, 2014))</p>

<p><strong>concoction</strong>: any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients</p>
<p>There are some food combos that blend beautifully with each other to create truly tasty <em>concoctions</em>. (US News (Sep 4, 2014))</p>
