Get to know the Girl Scout Cookie business.

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The Girl Scout Cookie business is an annual fundraising initiative run by the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA), a youth organization for girls. The sale of cookies started back in 1917, and today, it has become a nationwide tradition that plays a significant role in empowering young girls to develop essential life skills.

1. Purpose - The primary goal of the Girl Scout Cookie program is to teach girls five essential life skills: goal setting, decision-making, money management, interpersonal skills, and business ethics. The funds raised from the sale of cookies are used by local Girl Scout councils to support Girl Scout activities, adventures, and community projects throughout the year.

2. Cookie Varieties - The cookies' types vary from year to year, but some of the classic favorites include Thin Mints, Samoas/Caramel deLites, Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties, Trefoils/Shortbread, and Girl Scout S'mores. The menu is regularly updated with new flavors to cater to the audience's diverse tastes.

3. Suppliers - There are two commercial bakers licensed by GSUSA to produce Girl Scout Cookies: ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers. Each local council chooses one of these bakers to partner with, which is why cookie names and recipes may differ slightly across the country.

4. Availability - The cookies are typically available for purchase once a year during the "cookie season," which generally runs from January through April. Local councils may set their own specific dates within this time frame, and cookie booths can be found at various locations around town.

5. Digital Cookie Sales - To adapt to the changing digital landscape and the COVID-19 pandemic, GSUSA also introduced online sales through the Digital Cookie platform. This allows Girl Scouts to sell cookies through custom websites or mobile apps, and customers can have the treats shipped directly to them.

6. Financial Aid & Donations - Many local councils offer financial aid for families in need to ensure that all girls can participate in the Girl Scout cookie program. Additionally, through the nationwide "Cookie Share" program, customers can choose to donate their purchased cookies to charitable organizations, such as military service members or food banks.

7. Environmental Impact - The GSUSA has taken steps to reduce its environmental impact in recent years. For example, they use sustainable and ethical sourcing practices for their ingredients, including certified sustainably sourced palm oil and cage-free eggs.

Overall, the Girl Scout Cookie business is not only about selling delicious treats; it also provides a platform for young girls to learn valuable life skills, contribute to their communities, and gain confidence in their entrepreneurial abilities.