
I jumped in to the world .
no parachute.bottless
felling in to enemy territory
in to the night(had my eyes closed)
didn't take them long find to me
these suicide mission are all the same
name? not yet.unit:82nd newborn 'ha ha.

slapped me around a bit

but I did not take.
made sure I would not escape
sentenced to life.I guess I deserved it
what is the setting, character,plot,theme, conflict, point of view & style of above poem?

2 answers

I don't think anyone here will do your work for you but if you will post what you think someone will be more than happy to critique your work.
And this is science … how?

DrBob222 is right. No one will do your assignment for you, but someone may be able to check your thinking and writing if you post what you write.