Genocides and Atrocities Portfolio worksheet

answers, and submit it for a portfolio grade.
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Genocides and Atrocities Portfolio
your knowledge and understanding to another atrocity crime from the Middle East or
of the Congo, Sudan, and South Sudan to answer the questions below. Then apply
demonstrate your understanding about war crimes, crimes against humanity, and
In this activity, you will use what you have learned about atrocity crimes to
Reference the table you completed about Rwanda, the Democratic Republic

3 answers

Atrocity Crime: Syria

1. Describe the atrocity crime that occurred in Syria.
The atrocity crime that occurred in Syria is the Syrian Civil War, which began in 2011 and is an ongoing conflict that has resulted in massive casualties, displacement of millions of people, and widespread destruction of infrastructure.

2. What war crimes were committed during the atrocity in Syria?
During the Syrian Civil War, war crimes such as targeted attacks on civilians, bombings of civilian areas, torture and executions of prisoners, and the use of chemical weapons have been reported.

3. What crimes against humanity were committed during the atrocity in Syria?
Crimes against humanity in Syria include widespread and systematic attacks against civilians, including murder, , and forced displacement as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population.

4. How was genocide involved in the atrocity in Syria?
There have been accusations of genocide in Syria, particularly in relation to the targeting of ethnic and religious minorities by extremist groups such as ISIS. The deliberate targeting of these groups with the intent to destroy them in whole or in part can be considered genocide.

5. Compare and contrast the atrocity crimes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria.
- The Democratic Republic of the Congo has experienced widespread sexual violence as a weapon of war, while Sudan and South Sudan have seen ethnic and tribal conflicts leading to mass displacement and killings.
- Syria's conflict involves multiple actors and has led to a humanitarian crisis with the widespread use of chemical weapons and attacks on civilian populations.
- All of these countries have experienced severe violations of international law, but the specific nature and scale of the crimes vary.
nooooo your wrong we are talking about the war in rawanda
I apologize for the misunderstanding. Let's focus on the atrocities that occurred during the Rwandan Genocide.

Atrocity Crime: Rwandan Genocide

1. Describe the atrocity crime that occurred in Rwanda.
The Rwandan Genocide took place in 1994 and involved the systematic mass murder of Tutsi civilians by Hutu extremists. During the genocide, an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed in a span of 100 days.

2. What war crimes were committed during the atrocity in Rwanda?
The war crimes committed during the Rwandan Genocide included acts of genocide, murder, , torture, and other forms of violence targeted at civilians.

3. What crimes against humanity were committed during the atrocity in Rwanda?
Crimes against humanity in Rwanda included widespread and systematic attacks against civilians based on their ethnicity, resulting in mass killings, sexual violence, and forced displacement.

4. How was genocide involved in the atrocity in Rwanda?
The Rwandan Genocide is considered one of the most well-known cases of genocide in recent history. The Hutu extremists targeted the Tutsi population with the intent to entirely eliminate them, which meets the legal definition of genocide under international law.

5. Compare and contrast the atrocity crimes in Rwanda with those in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria.
- The Rwandan Genocide involved an ethnically motivated mass killing of Tutsis by Hutus in a relatively short period, while the conflicts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria have different root causes and dynamics.
- The atrocities in all these countries involve severe violations of human rights and international law, but the specific context, perpetrators, and scale of the crimes vary.