1. Describe the atrocity crime that occurred in the Middle East or North Africa region that you researched. What were the key events and groups involved?
2. Explain how war crimes were committed during this atrocity. Provide specific examples of actions that were considered war crimes.
3. Discuss how crimes against humanity were perpetrated during this atrocity. What were the actions taken by individuals or groups that constituted crimes against humanity?
4. Analyze whether or not genocide occurred during this atrocity. Provide evidence to support your analysis and explain why or why not genocide took place.
5. Compare and contrast the atrocity crime you researched in the Middle East or North Africa region with the genocides in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, and South Sudan. What similarities and differences do you see in terms of the events, groups involved, and impact on the population?
6. Reflect on the importance of remembering and learning about atrocity crimes. Why is it important to study and understand these events, and how can we prevent similar atrocities from happening in the future?
Genocides and Atrocities Portfolio worksheet
answers, and submit it for a portfolio grade.
Use this worksheet to record your answers to the Genocides and
activity. When you are finished, save this worksheet with your
Genocides and Atrocities Portfolio
your knowledge and understanding to another atrocity crime from the Middle East or
of the Congo, Sudan, and South Sudan to answer the questions below. Then apply
demonstrate your understanding about war crimes, crimes against humanity, and
In this activity, you will use what you have learned about atrocity crimes to
Reference the table you completed about Rwanda, the Democratic Republic
1 answer