Enterobius vermicularis is a small, white, nematode parasitic helminth that infects humans, particularly children. It is commonly known as the pinworm. The following are its general characteristics:
Respiration: Enterobius vermicularis does not have lungs or specialized respiratory structures as it obtains oxygen through its body surface.
Reproduction: Female worms lay thousands of eggs per day in the area, which causes severe itching. The eggs are then transmitted to other hosts through direct or indirect contact.
Size range: Adult females of Enterobius vermicularis measure about 8-13 mm long and 0.4-0.7 mm wide, while adult males measure about 2.5-5 mm long and 0.1-0.2 mm wide. The eggs typically measure about 50-60 μm by 20-30 μm.
General characteristics of enterobius Vermicularis about respiration,reproduction and about size range
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