garter snake vs human body systems comparison chart

1 answer

Garter snake and human body systems comparison chart:

Body Systems | Garter Snake | Human
Circulatory System | Closed circulatory system, with a 3-chambered heart | Closed circulatory system, with a 4-chambered heart
Respiratory System | Breathe through lungs and partially through their skin | Breathe through lungs
Digestive System | Simple digestive system with a long digestive tract | Complex digestive system with various organs (mouth, stomach, intestines, etc.)
Nervous System | Central and peripheral nervous system with a small brain | Central and peripheral nervous system with a large brain
Skeletal System | Elongated body with a flexible spine and ribs | Rigid skeleton with a backbone and various other bones
Muscular System | Muscles that allow for slithering and movement | Muscles that enable a wide range of movement
Excretory/Urinary System | They excrete waste through their cloaca | Excrete waste through kidneys and urinary system
Reproductive System | Sexual reproduction, with males having hemipenes and females having ovaries | Sexual reproduction, with males having testes and females having ovaries
Integumentary System | Covered in scales for protection and regulation of moisture | Skin that functions as a protective barrier
Endocrine System | Produce various hormones for bodily functions | Produce various hormones for bodily functions