Gametes produced in the process of meiosis in humans (chromosome 4)has a long and short arm the short arm has the gene for Huntington's (H) attached and the long arm the gene for Red hair (R)

state the differences in the product cells at telophase II if a crossing over had occured halfway between the Huntington gene and the centromere.

Sorry Gemma but i am as stuffed as you on this glad to see i am not the only one doing Ou S103 i posted the question tuesday morning and when i checked last night i had 3/4 hits all asking the same thing just going to have to bluff it i think which TMA are you doing next ? as we maybe able to help each other try charles . brooker at sky com if you want to talk one to one All the best

Sorry Gemma but i am as stuffed as you on this glad to see i am not the only one doing Ou S103 i posted the question tuesday morning and when i checked last night i had 3/4 hits all asking the same thing just going to have to bluff it i think which TMA are you doing next ? as we maybe able to help each other try charles . brooker at sky com if you want to talk one to one All the best