1. Number the events of the Whiskey Rebellion from first to last:
- 4. Farmers against the whiskey tax organize, refuse to pay the tax, and threaten tax collectors.
- 3. Protests become violent and a protestor militia of 5,000 or more form at Braddock’s Field.
- 5. President Washington sends negotiators to tell the protestors to follow the national government’s authority.
- 2. President Washington leads state militia troops to end the rebellion.
- 1. Some violent protestors are arrested and tried for treason.
2. Why did farmers in Western Pennsylvania oppose the whiskey tax passed in 1791? (Choose 2):
B. It cut into their profits from growing grain.
D. They thought wealthy Easterners were taking advantage of them.
3. Identify which Founding Father each sentence describes:
- AH - He supported the creation of a national bank.
- TJ - He did not believe the national government had the power to create a national bank.
- AH - He supported the funding and assumption of revolutionary debt from the states.
- TJ - He did not support the funding and assumption of revolutionary debt from the states, but he agreed to it as part of the Compromise.