Functions of Marketing Activity
Choose all that represents "Distribution".
Collecting Data
Storage of goods ✅
Greeting customers at a retail store
Shipping of goods ✅
Choose all that represent "Marketing Information Management".
Collecting Data ✅
Customer Questionnaires ✅
Funding a new commercial
Giving customers product options that meet their needs
Choose all that represents "Financing".
Evaluating if a new product is making a profit ✅
Adjusting sale prices to meet customers demand
Funding a new commercial ✅
Determining the cost of a new product
Choose all that represents "Pricing".
Funding a new commercial
Determining the cost of a new product ✅
Evaluating if a new product is making a profit
Adjusting sale prices to meet customers demand ✅
Choose all that represents "Product/Service Management".
Determining the cost of a new product
Adjusting sale prices to meet customers demand
Changing a product line, adding a new flavor ✅
Developing a new product ✅
Choose all that represents "Promotion".
Having a fashion show at a retail store ✅
Developing a new product
Determining the cost of a new product
Creating a Facebook fan page ✅
Choose all that represents "Selling".
Creating a Facebook fan page
Greeting customers at a retail store ✅
Giving customers product options that meet heir needs ✅
Developing a new product
Explanation: I did the test
3 answers