1. UNESCO. (1994). The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education. Paris: UNESCO.
This landmark document outlines a global framework for promoting inclusive education and addressing the needs of students with disabilities in mainstream schools, highlighting the importance of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in education.
2. Ainscow, M., & Miles, S. (2008). Making Education for All inclusive: Where next?. Prospects, 38(1), 15-34.
This article discusses the progress and challenges faced in implementing inclusive education policies globally, emphasizing the need for targeted reforms, capacity-building, and the role of teachers in providing quality education for all students.
3. Florian, L. (2008). Special education in an era of inclusion: The end of special education or a new beginning?. British Journal of Special Education, 35(4), 202-208.
This journal article explores the concept of inclusive education and its implications for special education, discussing the tension between the push for inclusive practices and the continued need for specialized support services for students with disabilities.
4. Soodak, L. C., Erwin, E. J., & Sacks, A. (2008). Inclusion in the 21st century: A leading-edge synthesis. Contemporary special education research, 4(1), 67-79.
This research paper critically examines the concept and implementation of inclusive education across different countries, synthesizing findings from various studies to argue for a broader understanding of inclusion as a transformative process and mindset beyond mere placement in mainstream classrooms.
5. Alves, D., & Sequeira, R. (2010). Inclusive education: Global policies, practices, and issues. International Journal of Special Education, 25(3), 7-18.
This article provides an overview of global policies and practices related to inclusive education, addressing the challenges and debates surrounding its implementation in different cultural and socio-economic contexts.
Overall, these references shed light on the growing recognition and efforts to promote inclusive education globally, while also acknowledging the complex realities and ongoing debates within the field of special education.
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