Here are a few full references on special education globally, along with a brief summary of what they are about:
1) Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. M., & Pullen, P. C. (2018). Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education. Pearson.
This book provides an introduction to special education, covering various topics such as laws and policies, assessment, instructional strategies, and classroom management. It explores the provision of special education services in different countries, highlighting the global perspective on special education.
2) Florian, L., & Black-Hawkins, K. (Eds.). (2011). Exploring inclusive educational practices through professional inquiry. Routledge.
This edited book explores inclusive educational practices in different countries. It discusses the challenges and opportunities for inclusive education, and showcases examples of successful inclusive practices in various cultural and socio-economic contexts.
3) UNESCO. (2017). Global Education Monitoring Report: Accountability in Education - Meeting our Commitments. UNESCO Publishing.
This report by UNESCO provides an overview of the state of education globally, including special education. It discusses the progress made in achieving inclusive education, the barriers faced, and the challenges of meeting the needs of learners with disabilities.
4) Christensen, C. A., & Kaufman, J. H. (2019). Handbook of Research on Special Education Teacher Preparation. Routledge.
This comprehensive handbook focuses on the preparation of special education teachers, with chapters dedicated to the global context. It explores the challenges and best practices in preparing special education teachers to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities.
Please note that these are just a few references, and there is a vast amount of literature available on special education globally. You can explore these references further for a deeper understanding of the topic.
Full references and what they about special education globally with references
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