From Beowulf "the battle with the dragon" and " the death of Beowulf"

which of these names the protagonist/atagonist relationship in the battle with the dragon?"

Grendel/the dragon
The dragon/grendel
BEowulf/the dragonn
the dragon/beowulf

I think it is C, is that right?

5 answers

Yes, C.

Beowulf is the protagonist.
The dragon is the antagonist.
Hi I'm bored so I found a random question and wrote this. 0
HOORAY I did it
As it messed up😢😭
English 12 A The Anglo-Saxon Period 449–1066 Unit Test (ANSWERS)

1. She was FICKLE in her friendships, which both formed and ended abruptly.
Answer - inconsistent

2. The soccer team swore to AVENGE its loss when playoff season came.
Answer - get even for

3. The dog was the toddler’s friend, companion, and SENTINEL.
Answer - protector

4. Match each word to its definition. Not all responses will be used.
Answers -
lair = hideout
scabbard = sheath for a sword
hilt = handle of a sword
complacent = eager to please
covetous = eager to obtain and possess

5. Grendel easily killed thirty warriors during his first attack because his victims were
Answer - asleep

6. Which of these helps qualify Beowulf as an epic poem?
Answer - Its protagonist is a god-like hero.

7. Which of these Anglo-Saxon values is most in evidence when the Geats sit by the lake as Beowulf does battle with Grendel’s mother?
Answer - loyalty

8. Which of these motivates the actions of both Beowulf and Grendel’s mother?
Answer - a desire to avenge

9. Which word best describes Beowulf’s attitude toward his impending battle with the dragon?
Answer - resolute

10. Which of these names the protagonist/antagonist relationship in “The Battle with the Dragon?”
Answer - Beowulf/the dragon

11. To whom does Beowulf give credit for the retrieval of treasure from the dragon’s tower?
Answer - God

12. In “The Seafarer,” who or what is said to issue threats of illness, age, and an enemy’s sword?
Answer - Fate

13. The daily life of the author of “The Wife’s Lament” can best be described as
Answer - lonely

14. Which of these is true of “The Seafarer,” “The Wanderer,” and “The Wife’s Lament?”
Answer - All three describe the loneliness of exile.

Answers are 100% Hope this helps!
no name is correct