140 students owned iPhones; of these 50 also owned cars; 140 - 50 = 90
90 students own only an iphone
60 owned cars; of these 50 also own a car; 60-50 = 10; 10 students own ONLY a car
The number of student who own either a car or an iphone, but not both is 90 + 10 = 100
The number of students who do not own either a car or an iphone is 200 - 50 - 10 - 90 = 50 students
From a survey of 200 college students, a marketing research company found that 140 students owned iPhones, 60 owned cars, and 50 owned both cars and iPhones.
(a) How many students owned either a car or an iPhone (but not both)?
______ students
(b) How many students do not own either a car or an iPhone?
1 answer