From "A bird came down the walk" by Emily Dickinson

1: A bird came down the walk:
2: he did not know I saw;
3: he bit an angle-worm in halves
4: And at the fellow; raw.
5: and then he drank a dew
6: from convenient grass,
7 and then hopped side wise to the wall
8 To let a beetle pass.

6 answers

the Question
Here is the question: Which of the follwoing is best parapharse of lines 5 and 6?
A) A bird was thirsty; so it drank some water.
B) The grass was wet from rain water, so a bird decide to drink some of it.
C) Conveniently, there was dewy grass
D) A bird drank a drop of water from a nearby blade of grass.

My answer is B
I agree.
Ok thank you
You're welcome,
Ms. Sue I dont understand on another page of Jishka someone asked the same EXACT Question and you said C not B so can someone else tell the REAL answer to us.