Freshman Success-College Exploration- College Comparison Portfolio Worksheet
College Information | College 1 | College 2 | College 3
College Name | Ashford | University | University
| University| of San D...| of Washi..
College Location | Ashford, | San Diego | Seattle,
| WA | CA | WA
College Type | 2-year | 4-year | 4-year
Total Student Body Size |Unknown | 5,604 | 29,831
Total Tuition | 10,632 | 62,410 | 12,242
Students-to-Faculty Ratio | 14 to 1 | 12 to 1 | 9 to 1
Admission Difficulty |95%accep| 48.7% ac | 48.7% ac
|tance rate| ceptance.. | ceptance..
ACT Composite Score Range |-------|----------------|---------------
for Accepted Students | 15-21 | 31 | 29-34
hope this helps, i havent gotten a grade back yet but when i do ill let you know (although i dont think it matters cuz it freshman success)
3 answers