French 1 introducing yourslef quiz

1 answer

Certainly! Here's a simple quiz designed for a beginner French class where students can practice introducing themselves in French. It includes a mix of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions.

French 1: Introducing Yourself Quiz

Part 1: Multiple Choice

  1. What is the French phrase for "My name is..."?

    • a) Je m'appelle...
    • b) Je suis...
    • c) Mon nom est...
  2. How do you say "I am (... years old)" in French?

    • a) J'ai (... ans)
    • b) Je suis (... ans)
    • c) Moi (... ans)
  3. Which of the following means "Where are you from?" in French?

    • a) D'où venez-vous?
    • b) Où allez-vous?
    • c) Comment ça va?

Part 2: Fill in the Blanks

  1. Je m'appelle __________. (Fill in with your name)

  2. J'ai __________ ans. (Fill in with your age)

  3. Je viens de __________. (Fill in with your country or city)

Part 3: Short Answer

  1. Write a complete sentence in French introducing yourself, including your name, age, and where you are from.

    Example: "Je m'appelle Marie. J'ai 20 ans. Je viens de Paris."

Part 4: True or False

  1. "Je suis heureux" means "I am happy" (True/False)

  2. "Mon prénom est" is used to state your last name (True/False)

Answers Key:

Part 1: Multiple Choice

  1. a) Je m'appelle...
  2. a) J'ai (... ans)
  3. a) D'où venez-vous?

Part 2: Fill in the Blanks

(Answers will vary based on student responses)

Part 3: Short Answer

(Answers will vary based on student responses)

Part 4: True or False

  1. True
  2. False

Feel free to modify the quiz according to the level and needs of your students!