Freedom Doesn’t Come Free
What is something you can never show much gratitude for? Well, veterans have done many wonderful things for our country, especially freedom. Freedom is a debt that can we can never repay veterans for.
One reason I said they fought for freedom was because they wanted everyone to be treated the same and they fought for equal freedom rights. It started from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War. Our country’s flag is symbolized by freedom. I can surely recall the time I went on a field trip to Baton Rouge. My mom, my classmates, teachers, and I had gone inside this building and they were honoring Veterans on that day. They had many photos of excellent human beings that served us. I was shocked and honored of how many men and women there was on the wall. Freedom is real and not a joke, people. It’s time to stop what you’re doing and say a few words to the living veterans and thank them. Veterans are someone we can’t stop showing faith and love too. “My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died! Land of the Pilgrim's pride! From every mountain side, let freedom ring!” That’s the song that comes to mind when I hear the words veterans and patriots, because it captures vivid pictures of veterans fighting and protecting us. As you can see, veterans are what freedom is all about.
In conclusion, freedom is real because it’s a debt that can never be repaid to our veterans. Veteran’s Day is just not a holiday that comes on November 11 for nothing. It is soo much more than that. We should be happy that we have some people that still show freedom today! How do you feel about veterans?
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