Fractions, decimals, and percents are all ways to represent parts of a whole or the relationship between a part and a whole.
Fractions: Fractions represent a part of a whole. They consist of a numerator (the top number) and a denominator (the bottom number), separated by a horizontal line. The numerator represents the number of parts being considered, while the denominator represents the total number of equal parts the whole is divided into. For example, ¾ represents three parts out of a total of four equal parts.
Decimals: Decimals are a way to represent fractions in a different form. They use a decimal point followed by digits to show a part of a whole. For example, 0.75 represents three-quarters, as 0.75 is equivalent to ¾ in fraction form.
Percents: Percents are a way to express a part out of 100. They are denoted by the symbol %, with the value shown as a number followed by the symbol %. For example, 75% represents 75 parts out of 100. Percentages are often used to express ratios or proportions in real-world situations, such as test scores, discounts, or interest rates.
Conversion between fractions, decimals, and percents: Fractions, decimals, and percents can be converted into each other. To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, ¾ can be converted to a decimal by dividing 3 by 4, giving 0.75. To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply the decimal by 100 and add the % symbol. For example, 0.75 can be converted to a percent by multiplying 0.75 by 100, resulting in 75%. To convert a percent to a decimal, divide the percent by 100. For example, 75% can be converted to a decimal by dividing 75 by 100, resulting in 0.75.
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
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