Fossils found in layers of sediment give us clues to Earth's past. Based on the fossil record of this area, we can assume that this area was
A) once a desert.
B) once underwater.
C) much colder in the past.
D) located in a different place on Earth.
According to the fossil record found in these sedimentary layers, what conclusion can be drawn about the movement of life to land?
A) Land plants and mammals evolved at the same time.
B) As land plants became more complex, animal life did as well.
C) Mammals and insects evolved at about the same time in Earth;s history.
D) Flowering plants and trees became established before animals moved to land.
Which is NOT a factor that affects fossilization?
A) age of the organism
B) hard or soft body parts
C) predators destroying the body
D) body decay due to natural elements
If one has 24 kg of Polonium and it undergoes two half-lives, how much do you have left?
A) 12 kg
B) 3 kg
C) 6 kg
D) 2 kg
Scientists who study fossils are called
A) astronomers
B) biologists
C) geologists
D) paleontologists
Which of the following organisms is not extinct?
A) the dodo bird
B) the saltwater crocodile
C) the saber-toothed tiger
D) the Carolina parakeet
Examine the following diagrams. Columns I and II contain rock layers A, B, C, D, E and F. Both columns were taken from the same dig site at different locations. Which two layers are of approximately the same age?
A) A & D
B) B & E
C) C & D
D) B & F
The discovery of the fossils of prehistoric whales that lived millions of years ago in Mississippi indicate that
A) the whales were once land-dwelling mammals.
B) the whales lived in an inland sea, which dried up.
C) the Gulf of Mexico once covered what is now the State of Mississippi.
D) the whales were hunted by the native American tribes that lived along the river.
Several teeth were found in an area of flat land covered with trees and plants. The teeth were examined by a paleontologist, and it was determined that the teeth came from a shark. They found many other shark teeth in this area. However, the people who discovered the teeth were puzzled. There was no source of water near where the fossils were found.
What is the paleontologist's BEST explanation for why the teeth were found in this area?
A) Sharks used to live on flat land.
B) This area was once covered with salt water.
C) This area was once covered with freshwater.
D) Someone buried the shark teeth deep in the ground.
What era is the age of mammals?
A) Cenozoic
B) Paleozoic
C) Precambrian
D) Mesozoic
Radioactive decay occurs when atoms
A) lose mass.
B) join with atoms of another element.
C) break down to form atoms of another element.
D) are exposed to chemical weathering.
True or False: If a geologist found two fossils of different species buried next to each other in a rock layer, he or she might hypothesize that the two organisms may have been alive during the same time period.
A) True
B) False
C) Neither
What is radiometric dating used for?
A) to tell absolute age of a rock or fossi.
B) to tell the relative age of a rock or fossil
C) a way to tell the age of materials based on measuring radioactive atoms and daughter atoms
This is a fossil of a dinosaur's footprint. This fossil can give scientists clues about the dinosaur's
A) size.
B) color.
C) mating habits.
D) reason for extinction.
Fossils of a now extinct dinosaur have been found near the east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa. The dinosaur could not swim or fly. What does this suggest about the continents of South America and Africa?
A) The continents were once connected.
B) A land bridge once connected the continents.
C) The same type of animals evolved on both continents.
D) Prehistoric man transported the dinosaur between the continents.
What is the half-life of strontium-90?
A) 112 years
B) 84 years
C) 56 years
D) 28 years
A fossil is any natural evidence of prehistoric life that provides some idea of the size, shape, or form of the organism. A fossil does need not to be a whole animal or plant. Broken fragments are also fossils, as are the tracks left behind by the organisms. Fossils provide important evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed. The fossils found in rock formations of different time periods differ because the environment on Earth has changed.
Scientists have found fossils of ocean-dwelling or marine animals in the mountains of Pennsylvania. What does finding fossils of marine animals in these rock formations tell us about Pennsylvania's past?
A) Pennsylvania was once a equatorial land mass.
B) The mountains were once seamounts, underwater.
C) The state was once at the bottom of the ocean and it rose up.
D) Before mountain building occurred, this area was underwater.
The environment plays a crucial role in an organism's ability to fossilize. Which is the best location for fossilization?
A) bottom of a river
B) very dry environments, such as land
C) bottom of a lake covered by sediment
D) an environment exposed to natural elements
Fossil A is found in a rock layer above a layer containing Fossil B. Which fossil is probably older?
A) Fossil A
B) Fossil B
C) both are the same
D) can't be determined
What do scientists predict killed the dinosaurs?
A) Aliens
B) People
C) Pollution
D) Climate Change
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