) Form a conjunction from the following two statements and determine if the conjunction is true or false. Explain.

Two is an even number. Two is a prime number.
A) Two is an even number or two is a prime number.; False
B) Two is an even number and two is a prime number.; True
C) Two is an even number and two is a prime number.; False
D) Two is an even number or two is a prime number.; True

I know two is an even number, I think it is a prime number, I just don't remember why.

2 answers

In logic, "or" means _either one_ of them is true. Maybe one is true, maybe the other, maybe both, but as long as at least one of the statements is true, then the whole statement is true.

Given that, cal you see which statements are true?

We define "prime number" as "divides evenly only by itself and 1" and we exclude 1 from eligibility; that explains why 2 is a prime number.
So since both are true, the statement would read "and"? So the correct answer would be B?