For your unit writing project, you will write a research paper in which you compose an analysis of an historical event of your choosing that had a monumental effect on American literature. Throughout the school year, you have prepared for this project through multiple encounters with the writing process and different elements of research.

1 answer

As you begin your research, consider the following steps to ensure a successful project:

1. Select a topic: Choose an historical event that not only interests you, but also has had a significant impact on American literature. Some possible events to consider include the Civil Rights Movement, the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, or the 9/11 attacks. Make sure to narrow down your topic to a specific event or aspect of the event that you can analyze thoroughly.

2. Conduct research: Use a variety of sources to gather information about your chosen historical event. These sources may include books, academic articles, primary sources, and reputable websites. Take notes on key points, quotes, and facts that you can use in your paper.

3. Develop a thesis statement: Based on your research, formulate a thesis statement that clearly presents the argument you will be making in your paper. Your thesis should be specific, debatable, and supported by evidence from your research.

4. Outline your paper: Create an outline that organizes your research and ideas into a coherent structure. Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs that support your thesis, and a conclusion that summarizes your findings and offers insights into the significance of the historical event on American literature.

5. Write the first draft: Using your outline as a guide, write the first draft of your research paper. Make sure to properly cite your sources and provide evidence to support your arguments. Pay attention to the organization of your paper, the clarity of your writing, and the strength of your arguments.

6. Revise and edit: Once you have completed your first draft, revise and edit your paper to improve clarity, coherence, and argumentation. Make sure your paper adheres to the requirements of the assignment and that your writing is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

7. Seek feedback: Ask a peer, teacher, or tutor to read your paper and provide feedback on how you can improve it. Consider their suggestions and make revisions as necessary to strengthen your paper.

By following these steps, you can effectively research and write a compelling analysis of an historical event that had a monumental effect on American literature. Good luck with your project!