The information in the evolution unit I best understood was the concept of natural selection and its role in driving species' adaptations over time. However, the topic that was most challenging for me to understand was the molecular evidence for evolution and how it ties in with the fossil record.
A strategy that I could use to explain how scientists use patterns in the fossil record and embryo development as evidence for evolution is creating a visual presentation or infographic to demonstrate the similarities and differences across species. This hands-on approach can help highlight the connections between different forms of evidence.
One topic in this unit I would like to learn more about is convergent evolution because I find it fascinating how distantly related species can develop similar traits in response to similar environmental pressures. Understanding this concept further could deepen my appreciation for the complexities of evolutionary biology.
For your sample work assignment, you will write a reflection about your learning in this unit. Your reflections should be 3-5 sentences long and you need to use the sentence starts given on page 1 of this lesson
Sentence starters:
The Information in the evolution unit I best understood was… and the topic that was most challenging for me to understand was…
A strategy that I could use to explain how scientists use patterns in the fossil record and embryo development as evidence for evolution is…
One topic in this unit I would like to learn more about is… because…
3 answers
shorten it please
I best understood natural selection, but struggled with molecular evidence for evolution. To explain patterns in the fossil record, I could create visuals. I want to learn more about convergent evolution to deepen my understanding of evolutionary biology.