for view point one i have refugge but for viepoint 2 i need opposing can you recommend me for viewpoint 2
Argumentative essay
:To what extent does Australia’s current approach to addressing the global refugee crisis uphold their international obligations under key human rights treaties and conventions?
The issue of not upholding Australia’s current approach to addressing the global refugee crisis is marked by the unprecedented conformity of populations crossing international borders worldwide, forced to flee conflicts outlined by international human rights principles in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Presently, legislation under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) governs Australia's approach to refugees and asylum seekers, under scrutiny for its alignment with key international obligations from the 1951 Refugee Convention, which contain principles of non-refoulement, visa provision, and detention centre legal use in specific circumstances. A real-life case study for the argumentative essay was analysed and evaluated, with a recommendation formulated to allow global refugee crises to fulfil their international obligations under key human rights treaties and conventions.
However, the effectiveness and compassion of Australia's response have come into question, prompting a closer examination of its adherence to these fundamental legal frameworks (from online)
Comprehension paragraphs
Define description of migration act, non-refoulement, visa provision, UNHCR, what are the current international obligation, asylum seeker vs refugee.
Modern refugee crisis is not well performing working condition or the process: it is a dire situation that demonstrates a lack of humanity towards those fleeing violence and persecution.
UNCHR is the UN agency, global organisation mandate to safeguard refugee, asylum seekers and any stateless individuals across the globe, providing vital assistance and protection even before their refugee status is formally determined, while facilitating durable solutions to their plight.
The Migration Act 1958 is Australian immigration laws regulated by commonwealth purposed govern immigration and citizen matters including the entry, stay and removal of non-citizen. (may include provision for working)
The current international obligation
Non-refoulment is a principle under international human rights law that prohibits a country's right to return refugees or asylum seekers to a place where they face degrading treatment or irreparable harm
Visa provision
The differences between two key stakeholders involved, an asylum seeker is a person that is in the process of seeking protection due fear of future consequences or have experienced their human rights being violated but had not granted refugee crisis while refugee have been granted refugee status by government organisation providing legal protection and support resettling in their new home
Nature and scope
Reported from Refugee Council of Australia the 978,000 figure represents cumulative total of humanitarian arrivals in June 2024 including 20,000 refugee and humanitarian visas to be issued in the 2023-24 financial year
How many refugees does Australia currently receive (consider demographics e.g. from which countries, gender, age), how many get into Australia, how many are turned away- statistics.
More detail about migration act- current policies regarding refugees and asylum seekers -> where are they processed; how long does it take on average.
Under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth)
Mention detention centres- Christmas Island, other cases in QLEARN
As refugee enters Australia current support from the federal government supplies settlement service and immediate needs through two main programs: Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) and Specialised and Intensive Services (SIS) for who granted humanitarian visas( This is considered as lacking supports and limitations leads to opening gap in long term settlement due to external factors like resource constraints, limited availability of specialised services, and the underlying trauma experienced by many refugees. Thus, it must need ongoing efforts to assure all global refugee crisis to received and access comprehensive assistance to successfully reside to Australia not being left out.
(for) Viewpoint 1
refugee viewpoint -> fleeing war, seeking better prospects and better life.
Focus on Family reunification and Detention centre
(need against to match the following alternative) Viewpoint 2 neeed one for opoosing .
(for) Alternative 1
Legal Alternative for Detention Practices- prioritize freedom of movement and access to essential services while claims are processed- expedite process.
Community-Based Alternatives: Amend Section 189 of the Migration Act 1958 to prioritize community housing and supervision over mandatory detention, ensuring asylum seekers' freedom of movement and access to essential services while their claims are processed.
(opposing) Alternative 2 (Bridging visas and community detention)
The Australian Human Rights Commission advocates for alternatives to closed immigration detention in Australia to protect the community from risks while ensuring humane treatment and adherence to human rights standards.
Amend Section 46A of the Migration Act 1958: Explicitly mandate the provision of comprehensive support services for refugees, including housing, education, healthcare, and employment assistance reinforcing its commitment to upholding international human rights obligations and providing even better integration and protection for refugees.
1 answer