The two civilizations I have chosen to research for this portfolio are the Roman Empire and the Inca Empire.
Roman Empire:
- 753 BC - Founding of the city of Rome
- 509 BC - Roman Republic established
- 27 BC - Roman Empire begins with the reign of Augustus
- 117 AD - Peak of the Roman Empire under Emperor Trajan
- 476 AD - Fall of the Western Roman Empire
(Source: Britannica - Roman Empire)
Inca Empire:
- 1438 AD - Beginning of the Inca Empire with the reign of Pachacuti
- 1471 AD - Expansion of Inca Empire under Emperor Tupac Inca Yupanqui
- 1532 AD - Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro arrive in Inca Empire
- 1533 AD - Inca Emperor Atahualpa captured and executed by the Spanish
- 1572 AD - Fall of the Inca Empire with the capture of the last Inca ruler, Tupac Amaru
(Source: - Inca Empire)
1. Name of Civilization: Roman Empire
2. Dates of Existence: 27 BC - 476 AD
3. Key Leaders: Augustus, Trajan
4. Achievements: Concrete roads, aqueducts, establishment of republican government
5. Key Events: Fall of Western Roman Empire in 476 AD
1. Name of Civilization: Inca Empire
2. Dates of Existence: 1438 AD - 1572 AD
3. Key Leaders: Pachacuti, Tupac Inca Yupanqui
4. Achievements: Advanced agricultural techniques, road system, intricate stone masonry
5. Key Events: Spanish conquest in 1532 AD
- Britannica - Roman Empire
- - Inca Empire
For this portfolio, you will research 2 civilizations we learned about this semester (Ex. Civilizations of the Americas, Chinese Dynasties, African Empires, etc).
While researching, you will create a timeline for both civilizations and complete a worksheet.
Don't forget to include your sources or where you found the information!
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