For this portfolio you will be writing an essay describing a family member.


Completely in Spanish
Words spelled correctly (including proper use of accent marks) - if you are unsure of how to spell a word or how to include an accent mark in your writing, you may use the internet to help you
Minimum of 100 words
Written about a family member (NOT Yourself)
No translators (online or human) may be used - show me what YOU know!

Spanish To Include: (You should include ALL of these aspects in your portfolio)

Name of your chosen family member
Age of your chosen family member
Where your chosen family member is from
Where your chosen family member currently lives
Physical description of your chosen family member
Hobbies and interests of your chosen family member

3 answers

En este ensayo describiré a mi tía María. María tiene 45 años y es originaria de México. Actualmente, mi tía María vive en la ciudad de Guadalajara. Es una mujer alta y delgada, con cabello castaño y ojos verdes. Tiene una sonrisa muy bonita y siempre está vestida de manera elegante.

A mi tía María le encanta leer y pasar tiempo en la naturaleza. Le gusta ir de excursión y explorar nuevos lugares. También disfruta de escuchar música y bailar. A veces, organiza fiestas en su casa y invita a toda la familia.

María es una persona muy amable y generosa. Siempre está dispuesta a ayudar a los demás y tiene un espíritu cariñoso. Es una excelente cocinera y le encanta consentirnos con deliciosos platillos mexicanos.

En resumen, mi tía María es una mujer maravillosa y carismática. Siempre nos hace sentir queridos y apreciados. Estoy muy agradecido de tenerla como parte de mi familia.
give me the english translation
In this essay, I will describe my aunt Maria. Maria is 45 years old and is originally from Mexico. Currently, my aunt Maria lives in the city of Guadalajara. She is a tall and slim woman, with brown hair and green eyes. She has a beautiful smile and always dresses elegantly.

My aunt Maria loves to read and spend time in nature. She enjoys hiking and exploring new places. She also enjoys listening to music and dancing. Sometimes, she organizes parties at her house and invites the whole family.

Maria is a very kind and generous person. She is always willing to help others and has a caring spirit. She is an excellent cook and loves to spoil us with delicious Mexican dishes.

In summary, my aunt Maria is a wonderful and charismatic woman. She always makes us feel loved and appreciated. I am very grateful to have her as part of my family.