For this portfolio project, you will conduct research and examine documents that show the thoughts of both immigrants and people who opposed immigration. You will use the research and primary documents to write an essay in which you answer the question: How did immigration affect immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900?

Your final product will describe the feelings of immigrants in America and people who opposed immigration in America. Your essay should incorporate information from the primary source documents as well as information you researched.
Your portfolio assignment has 3 steps:
Research information.
Analyze your research.
Write your essay.
Step 1
Conduct the following research to complete your assignment:
After it opened in 1892, the immigration station at Ellis Island, in New York Harbor, was the busiest entry point in the country for immigrants. Millions of immigrants, including many from southern and eastern Europe, first set foot on American soil on this island. To begin learning about the immigrant experience around 1900, find out what immigrants found when they arrived at Ellis Island. Further your investigation by finding out what immigrants did once they were processed through the immigration station at Ellis Island and settled into American life.
Think about these topics regarding the immigrant experience of this time.
Source of Information
challenges of immigration

future hopes and dreams of immigrants

acclimating to life in America

discrimination of immigrants

acceptance of immigrants

Alternatively, conduct a safe search on the Internet or at your local library for information about Ellis Island and immigration in the late 1800s to early 1900s.
In addition, six primary documents should be used for this portfolio assignment. Perspectives from both immigrants and Americans opposed to immigration are represented in the primary documents. Analyze these documents for a firsthand perspective of immigration in America.
When analyzing the primary sources, think about the following questions:
What factual information is conveyed in this source?
What opinions are related in this source?
What is implied or conveyed unintentionally in the source?
What is surprising or interesting about the source?
How might others at the time have reacted to this source?
How does this source compare to the other primary sources?
How does this source compare to the other research you conducted?
Keeping these questions and answers in mind as you conduct your research will help you when you write your essay.
Step 2
Before you write your essay, reflect on the information you learned while researching immigration in the early 20th century. Note your thoughts to the following questions:
What challenges did immigrants face upon arrival in America?
What do you think these immigrants imagined for their future?
What dreams did they hold? Were the dreams the same for each group?
What steps do you think these immigrants would need to take in order to adjust to life in America?
How would immigrants learn to live in a nation with a culture different from their own?
Step 3
Now it’s time to consider all of the evidence and viewpoints and draw your own conclusions. Use your research and analysis of the primary documents to write an essay on the following topic:
How did immigration affect immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900?
Before you begin writing, review the Migration and Immigration in the Early 20th Century Portfolio Rubric.
Writing your Essay
In writing your essay, make sure that you:
Clearly state your view in a strong thesis statement.
Use a logical organization, including an introduction and a conclusion.
Use evidence from at least three primary source documents. Clearly identify which documents you are using.
Use information from at least two other sources. Correctly cite your sources.
Support your viewpoint with relevant facts.
Use standard spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation.
Use social studies terminology correctly.
Read and revise your essay before submitting it to your teacher.

1 answer

Immigration in America around the year 1900 had a significant impact on both immigrants and other Americans. As immigrants arrived at Ellis Island, they were met with a multitude of challenges. They had to undergo rigorous medical examinations and interviews to determine their eligibility to enter the country. Many immigrants faced discrimination and prejudice based on their ethnicity, language, and cultural background. Despite these challenges, immigrants held onto their future hopes and dreams of living a better life in America.

Upon their arrival, immigrants imagined a future filled with opportunities for economic success, social mobility, and political freedom. They dreamed of providing a better life for their families and future generations. However, the dreams of immigrants varied depending on their country of origin and socio-economic background. Some immigrants sought refuge from political persecution, while others came in search of economic prosperity.

In order to adjust to life in America, immigrants had to take various steps. They had to learn English, adapt to American customs and traditions, and find employment to support themselves. Immigrants formed ethnic enclaves and communities to preserve their cultural heritage while also assimilating into American society. They faced discrimination and prejudice from nativist groups who believed that immigrants posed a threat to American values and society.

Despite facing challenges, immigrants contributed to the cultural, economic, and social fabric of America. They brought new ideas, innovations, and perspectives that enriched the nation. Immigrants played a vital role in the growth of industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and transportation. They helped build cities, construct railroads, and develop the infrastructure of the country.

On the other hand, Americans who opposed immigration viewed immigrants as a threat to their way of life. They believed that immigrants would take away their jobs, lower wages, and undermine American culture. Nativist groups, such as the Know-Nothing Party and the American Protective Association, advocated for restrictive immigration policies and sought to limit the influence of immigrants in American society.

In conclusion, immigration around the year 1900 had a complex and multifaceted impact on immigrants and other Americans. Immigrants faced numerous challenges and obstacles as they sought to build a new life in America. They held onto their aspirations and dreams of a better future. Despite facing discrimination and prejudice, immigrants played a crucial role in the development and growth of the United States. The tension between immigrants and nativist groups reflected the ongoing debate over the role of immigration in American society. Ultimately, immigration shaped the identity and diversity of the nation in the early 20th century.