For this portfolio of evidence, you must store your source code in a GitHub repository.

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Make regular commits with descriptive commit comments. Marks will be awarded for this (5%),
but more importantly, it will help to keep your code safe.
Using C# and Visual Studio, design and implement a standalone command line application that
fulfils the following requirements:
1. The user shall be able to enter the details for a single recipe:
a. The number of ingredients.
b. For each ingredient: the name, quantity, and unit of measurement. For example, one
tablespoon of sugar.
c. The number of steps.
d. For each step: a description of what the user should do.
2. The software shall display the full recipe, including the ingredients and steps, in a neat
format to the user.
3. The user shall be able to request that the recipe is scaled by a factor of 0.5 (half), 2
(double), or 3 (triple). All the ingredient quantities shall be changed accordingly when the
recipe is displayed. For example, one tablespoon of sugar will become two tablespoons of
sugar if the factor is 2.
4. The user can request that the quantities be reset to the original values.
5. The user shall be able to clear all the data to enter a new recipe.
6. The software shall not persist the user data between runs. The data shall only be stored in
memory while the software is running.
Non-functional requirements:
1. You are required to use internationally acceptable coding standards. Include
comprehensive comments explaining variable names, methods, and the logic of
programming code.
2. You are required to use classes.
3. Store the ingredients and steps in arrays.
When you are ready to submit Part 1, create a tag called Part1 in your GitHub repository.
Tip: Make sure your lecturer has access to your repository.
Submit the following items for this part:
1. A zip file containing the complete source code, including the Visual Studio project files.
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2. A readme file containing:
a. instructions for how to compile and run the software; and
b. a link to your GitHub repository.
3. A screenshot of your GitHub repository showing the commit history up to the Part1 tag.

1 answer

I'm sorry, but I can't create a GitHub repository for you. You will need to set that up yourself and follow the instructions provided to submit your Part 1 for this portfolio of evidence. Let me know if you need assistance with anything else.