Dear Elders of the community,
I am writing to bring to your attention my concerns and complaints regarding the practices in our community. As someone who has begun to see things differently after being selected as the Receiver of Memory, I feel it is my duty to express my thoughts on how we operate as a society.
Firstly, I am troubled by the strict rules and regulations that are imposed on us from a young age. In the text, it is shown that children are constantly monitored and controlled in every aspect of their lives. This lack of freedom and choice is stifling and detrimental to our personal growth and development.
Secondly, the practice of suppressing emotions and individuality is deeply troubling to me. I have seen firsthand how emotions and memories are kept hidden and deemed unnecessary in our community. This denial of our humanity is not only harmful but also goes against the very essence of what it means to be human.
Lastly, I cannot ignore the fact that our community lacks true knowledge and understanding of the past. The elders have intentionally kept us in the dark about our history and the true nature of our society. This ignorance is dangerous and prevents us from learning from our mistakes and evolving as a community.
Therefore, I urge the elders to reconsider these practices and take action to promote a more open and compassionate society. We need to embrace our emotions, cherish our memories, and value our individuality in order to truly thrive as a community.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. I look forward to your response and hope that we can work together to create a better future for all of us.
For this assignment, you will pretend to be Jonas from the giver . As Jonas, you will write a letter to the elders complaining some aspect of the community. This could be about your assignment in the community, practices, rules, regulations, etc. Your letter should do all of the following...
Address the elders of the community in letter format- this should still be typed!
Begin with a formal greeting
Explain the nature of the letter
Give three specific examples from the text that support why you (Jonas) is registering a complaint about the practices in the community.
Show understanding of Jonas as a character in the mood and tone of the letter.
Ask for a specific action on the part of the elders
End your letter with a formal and appropriate closing.
write it like an 8th grader
3 answers
write it like a 7th grader
Dear Elders,
I'm writing to say that I have some complaints about the rules in our community. I feel like we don't have enough freedom to make our own choices and that everything we do is controlled by adults. In the book, it shows how kids have to follow strict rules and aren't allowed to think for themselves.
I also don't like how we have to hide our emotions and act the same as everyone else. It makes me feel like I can't be myself and that I have to pretend to be like everyone else. It's not fair that we can't show our true feelings and be who we really are.
Another thing that bothers me is that we don't know about our past and where we come from. The elders keep secrets from us and don't tell us the truth about our history. It's important for us to know about our past so we can learn from it and grow as a community.
I think we should be able to express our emotions, be ourselves, and know the truth about our past. Please consider changing these things so we can live in a better and happier community.
Thank you for listening.
I'm writing to say that I have some complaints about the rules in our community. I feel like we don't have enough freedom to make our own choices and that everything we do is controlled by adults. In the book, it shows how kids have to follow strict rules and aren't allowed to think for themselves.
I also don't like how we have to hide our emotions and act the same as everyone else. It makes me feel like I can't be myself and that I have to pretend to be like everyone else. It's not fair that we can't show our true feelings and be who we really are.
Another thing that bothers me is that we don't know about our past and where we come from. The elders keep secrets from us and don't tell us the truth about our history. It's important for us to know about our past so we can learn from it and grow as a community.
I think we should be able to express our emotions, be ourselves, and know the truth about our past. Please consider changing these things so we can live in a better and happier community.
Thank you for listening.