for this assignment... I have this so far and i only have 97 words and i need 200.... This is what I have so far:

I would say that one of the importance of why science of geology to us as a civilization is that it has enabled us to search for minerals and ores like iron, gold, copper, so on. It also has enabled us to accurately search for oil. It has helped us to determine where it would be safe to build cities, highways, and so forth. It has helped us to explore our planet's history.

Here are the examples I chose are the following. The ability to predict the earthquakes and other disasters and the second example is the different types of valcanic features.

I need to had more to get to 200 words.. PLEASE HELP

1 answer

Does geology stop when we've found the oil? Don't geologists help drill and produce the oil?

How do geologists predict earthquakes? How has that helped us?

How do geologists predict when volcanoes will erupt? How has that helped us?

What about landslides? Can geologists help us decide where to locate homes and roads on mountain sides?