For this activity, you’ll practice striking various objects using a plastic whiffle ball bat.

You can use a large stick if you do not have a plastic bat. Besides the bat or sticking item, gather 4 objects to practice hitting when they are tossed to you. These objects should not be breakable and should include or be similar to a whiffle or tennis ball, a small rubber bouncy ball, a ping pong ball, and something about the size of a dodgeball or soccer ball.

Find a large space outside, and ask someone to toss or “pitch” the objects to you, one at a time, 5 times per object. The goal is not to see how far or how hard you can hit each object, but rather to see how well you can make contact with the object. Note how many of the 5 times you were able to make contact with each object. Then, answer the questions below.
What object was the hardest and easiest to strike? Why?

When was the last time you practiced this skill? What effect do you think this had on your ability? Explain.

How would you rate your striking ability on a scale 1-10, 10 being the best it can be?

What could you do to improve your rating?
How can you increase or maintain your rating?

answer all 4 question and just give me the answers, no explanations, answer as a 7 year old

1 answer

  1. The hardest object to strike was the ping pong ball, and the easiest was the whiffle ball.

  2. I practiced this skill last summer. I think it made it harder for me.

  3. I would rate my striking ability a 5.

  4. I could practice more to get better. I can keep practicing with my friends!