For the line segment ST, S has coordinates (6,2) and T is on the

y-axis. The midpoint,M, of ST is on the x-axis. Find the coordinates of T and M ?

3 answers

Okay, this one you really really should plot out the coordinates. It will give you an approximate orientation of the line. If plotted it out and realized that ST is a diagonal segment with a POSITIVE slope (meaning it goes up from left to right, that let you know that the y value on the T coordinate MUST has a negative value). I was just trying to lead you through the basic steps on analyzing the problem, you'll find this is a very useful skill if you learn it.

Yeah, this is a tough problem... I was able to solve it but I made an "assumption" which I'm not sure it is okay to make. Here's basically what I did. So I plotted my graph, then I drew a horizontal line from (6,2) to the y-axis to from a right angle with point T and the y axis. The horizontal line is 6 units long. Now here's my assumption, I drew a vertical line upward from the midpoint to the horizontal line and where they intersect, I say the length on each side is 3, assuming that they will divide into two equal parts... which I think should make sense, but I'm not 100% sure.

This is really hard to explain without showing you the graph, so I hope you followed me with your graph looks like mine. Okay, I know that from the x-axis to point S, that's 2 units. So now you basically just formed a small right triangle with the lengths 2 and 3. You can see that the x value of midpoint is 3 units away from point S, thus midpoint should be (3,0).

Find the length from midpoint to S then set that as the distance from midpoint to T to find out the y value on T (0,y).

This is the best I can help. You should get some credits for trying even if it's wrong. Unless someone else here has a better idea than me...
Really not that hard

let point T be (0,b), it is on the y-axis, and let the midpoint be M(a,0), it is on the x-axis.

by the property of the midpoint:
6+0)/2 = a
so a=3

and (b+2)/2 = 0
so b=-2

so T is (0,-2) and M is (3.0)
thanks alot for you