For the following sentences, identify the verbs. Then write the correct form of one verb to match the tense of the other one. If no change is needed, write NC.

1. The stage crew placed teh props on stage and sets them in place.
verbs: placed, sets
answer: set

2. When Mr Brien announced the concert yesterday, I wondered about the prize.
verbs: announced, wondered
answer: NC

3. Ralph was so excited to learn he scores an A on the math test.
verbs: learn, scores
answer: scored

4. The kite spins and will dip in the breeze.
verbs: spins, dip
answer: ? (remove "will"?)

5. After a long nap, my dog lazily raises his head and barked once softly.
verbs: raises, barked
answer: barks

6. Shondra walked to the store, where she bought a loaf of bread.
verbs: walked, bought
answer: NC

7. Meghan crams the rest of the pizza into her mouth while she reached for a soda.
verbs: crams, reached

8. While Justin talks to the teacher, Gabe waited in the hallway.
verbs: talks, waited
answer: waits

9. The little kids raced down the hallway and slid down the stairs.
verbs: raced, slid
answer: NC

10. Most schools cancelled class today due to the blizzard that blows through our area.
verbs: cancelled, blows
answer: blew

11. Yesterday, Rob packed his tent and will get his camping gear for the camping trip.
verbs: packed, get
answer: got (remove "will"?)

12. Zoe pointed at the cupcake she wants as a snack.
verbs: pointed, wants
answer: NC

13. Brenna drove quickly so we will arrive on time.
verbs: drove, arrive
answer: drives

14. When Aidan woke up, he automatically reached for his phone.
verbs: woke, reached
answer: NC

15. Kate called her mom, who says she is unavailable.
verbs: called, says
answer: calls

4 answers

4. dips

12. is o.k. -- but you should probably change wants to wanted

15 or change ways to said.

Everything else is correct.

Thanks for checking. So, #15 should read as:
Kate called her mom, who said she is unavailable.
Yes, you're right about 15.

You are welcome.