Here’s the determination for each item regarding whether it influences the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect on an individual:
- Time of day - Yes, this influences the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect.
- Medicines - Yes, this influences the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect.
- The weather - No, this does not influence the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect.
- Food in the stomach - Yes, this influences the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect.
- Age - Yes, this influences the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect.
- Amount of alcohol consumed - Yes, this influences the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect.
- Rate of intake - Yes, this influences the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect.
- Body size - Yes, this influences the onset and intensity of alcohol's effect.
In summary, the factors that influence the onset and intensity of alcohol's effects are: Time of day, Medicines, Food in the stomach, Age, Amount of alcohol consumed, Rate of intake, and Body size. The weather does not influence it.