For questions 13-15, select the answer that correctly identifies the part of speech of the all caps word.

1. Katrina wanted to vist her grandmother AND grandfather over the weekend.

a. conjuntion
b. noun

2. "OH" her mother said, "why don't we go Saturday.

a. noun
b. interjection

3. Before the left, Katrina made sure to pack the VERY special gift.

a. adjetive
b. noun

4. Some students had never used the program BEFORE.

a. adverb
b. preposition

5. BEFORE the first day of school, they had played games.

a. adverb
b. preposition

6. When they first were offered the help option the zipped PAST.

a. adverb
b. prepesition

4 answers

I'll be glad to check your answers.
Ok but please tell me the right one if i am wrong.

1. a
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. b
6. a
can any one cheack my answers
Number 3 doesn't give you the right answer in your choices. VERY is an adverb, modifying the adjective "special."

Your answer for 4 is wrong. A preposition must have a noun or pronoun as its object.