For PLANETS, find the number of :
4-letter words which must include a L and A
For MAMMALS, find the munber of:
a) 7-letter words
b) 7-letter word beggining with MA
c) 4-letter words
i) all letters different
ii) 2 letters same,2 different
iii) 2 pairs same leeters
iv) 3 letters same
3 answers
Can letters be used twice? Do the words have to be in the dictionary?
In that case, for PLANETS, the possible four-letter combinations (in any order) are 5 x 4 = 20. For each combination, there are 4! = 24 ways (permutations) for arranging the letters. That makes 20x24 = 480 possible "words". Most will not be in the dctionary.
Try your own reasoning with the MAMMALS problem. We will be glad to critique your work.
Try your own reasoning with the MAMMALS problem. We will be glad to critique your work.