For Paint
Is the mixture homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Heterogeneous. -
Is it a solution, suspension, or colloid?
Suspension. -
Explain your classification.
Paint is a suspension because it has tiny bits of color that can settle at the bottom and you can see different parts if you look closely.
For Orange Juice
Is the mixture homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Heterogeneous. -
Is it a solution, suspension, or colloid?
Suspension. -
Explain your classification.
Orange juice is a suspension because you can see the pulp bits floating around and they can settle if you leave it for a while.
For Soda
Is the mixture homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Homogeneous. -
Is it a solution, suspension, or colloid?
Solution. -
Explain your classification.
Soda is a solution because the fizz and flavors are mixed evenly throughout, and it looks the same all the way through.
Another Mixture Example: Salad
Is the mixture homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Heterogeneous. -
Is it a solution, suspension, or colloid?
None of these; it's just a mix. -
Explain your classification.
A salad is just a mix of different veggies and stuff that you can see separately, so it’s not one smooth thing like the others!