for my re homework i need to find 3 facts about each of these churches.

orthodox church
anglican church
baptism in a catholic church
baptist church

ive looked on several websites but i am still struggling. any help i would be grateful for . thanks

4 answers

Without knowing what you have found for each of these so far, I don't know what to look for.

Try searching at and/or for each term.
Baptism in a Catholic church is done with blessed water. It is sending the Holy Spirit into someone and making them a member of the Catholic church. A preist usually does this. When someone gets baptized, godparents are uually picked who are basically friends of the family that want to help out. A person of any age can be baptised, but babies usually get babtised because their parents want them to. It is a sacrament of initiation and usually the first sacrament someone will receive.
thanks so much for your help .
its helped me alot
thanks again!
sorry i should have said that i did not find anything.
twilight lover has kindly helped me with the baptism in a catholic church question but the other questions i have not found anything. i don`t know really what i am looking for. i need some help !