For my past post, you gave me this whole stuff for plagarism, ect. and i agree i needed to put them in my own words but this is what my teacher said:

"You chose a good site. Your essays have been very good. You should be developing some confidence in your own are doing a great job."


2 answers

MC. You need another teacher. Anyone who tells you your essays are very good when mostly copying, is not doing you a favor. You cant do that in real life, nor in business.

I don't know specifically what you are refering to, but if it is your essays were largely lifted from other's works, and your teacher tells you it is ok, then you are getting cheated. It is your money.
MC, if you plagiarize when you're in college or in the working world, any of the following things can happen:

~~zero on the paper, the first time plagiarism occurs
~~F in the class if plagiarism occurs more than once
~~being fired from a job because of plagiarism (which is the same as stealing someone else's words and ideas)
~~being sued for using someone else's words and ideas

Learn how NOT to do it! Learn how to summarize, how to paraphrase, and how to quote -- and how to cite properly, no matter how you use the other person's ideas.