These sites have a lot of information about AIDS/HIV.
Your story could be about a young person who has contracted AIDS and how s/he faces this illness.
For Health, we have to do a report on AIDS/HIV, we can do anything we want as long as it explains what AIDS/HIV is. I wanted to do a fictional story about it. What type of storyline should I do and where can I find info for AIDS/HIV.
3 answers
Sorry, I told you wrong info. Although, thank you for the sites.
The story has to be about personal vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and the characters in the story must be impacted by HIV/AIDS.
The story has to be about personal vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and the characters in the story must be impacted by HIV/AIDS.
In the story I suggested, the young person who has AIDS/HIV has been certainly vulnerable to this disease. Perhaps you want to start the story before the person has actually gotten the disease. Think about the main ways that people get it -- and then show the choices the young person made that resulted in HIV/AIDS. The story could also include his friends and family who are devastated by his illness.