For full credit on a discussion, you must create your own post that answers the prompt in a 5-7 sentence paragraph (6 points). You can create a post by clicking on the green plus sign next to the word "Conversations." For this discussion, answer this prompt:

The “Peach Garden Oath” at the end of the story shows us some of the values of ancient Chinese culture:

A family-strength bond can be created between people who share the same values
Loyalty is owed to one’s country and government
A person has a duty to protect the weak
Breaking a promise is a serious offense
Which of these do you think the author of the story values most? (There is NOT a correct answer. You don't have to agree with your classmates.) Use evidence from the story to support your answer. Separately, which of these values do you personally agree with most, and why?

2 short sentences

1 answer

I believe the author of the story values loyalty to one's country and government the most. Throughout the text, the characters demonstrate their loyalty and dedication to the country of Shu Han, even in the face of adversity. Personally, I agree with the value of protecting the weak the most, as it aligns with my belief in justice and compassion for those in need.