It looks like you are trying to convert a fraction to a decimal through division. Here's how you can express that process:
If you have a fraction \( \frac{a}{b} \), you can convert it to a decimal by performing the division:
- Question Blank 1 of 6: \( a \)
- Question Blank 2 of 6: \( b \)
- Question Blank 3 of 6: \( a \div b \) (this will result in the decimal form of the fraction)
For example, if you had the fraction \( \frac{3}{4} \):
- Question Blank 1 of 6: 3
- Question Blank 2 of 6: 4
- Question Blank 3 of 6: 0.75 (because \( 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75 \))
Please provide the specific fraction so I can help fill in the blanks appropriately!