For each of the sentences below, complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. Use your context clues to help you determine the intended meaning of the missing word. Drag and drop the words into the sentence. Words will only be used once and not all words will be used.

Paragraph 1
To become a spy, you must have a sense of (1)
to be able to put yourself willingly into dangerous situations. A strategy that spies may use to get people to 2)
and share top secret information is to befriend them. Spies do this so that they do not have to force or (3)
information from people and give away their identity or true purpose. It may be helpful for spies to have a (4)
and friendly personality so that they can easily learn as much information as possible to complete their missions.
Drag and drop the correct choice into the blank spaces above

1 answer

(1) daring
(2) divulge
(3) extract
(4) jovial