To calculate the total return in PNG Kina, we need to convert both the value of the shares and the brokerage paid from Australian Dollars to PNG Kina using the exchange rate of AUD1=K2.1368.
1. Value of shares in PNG Kina:
$3895 * 2.1368 = K8325.932
2. Brokerage paid in PNG Kina:
$77.90 * 2.1368 = K166.94912
Total return in PNG Kina:
K8325.932 - K166.94912 = K8158.98288
For each of the following transactions calculate question c. The transaction is 500 Amcor shares at $7.79.
The value of the shares is $3895.
The brokage paid on the transaction is $77.90.
c. Calculate the total return in PNG Kina using the exchange rate of AUD1=K2.1368.
1 answer